Suggestions or Complaints

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Suggestions, Reports and Complaints

One of the elements that distinguishes us is that we have always taken advantage of all the reports received from our customers: from advice to complaints, from suggestions to congratulations.

For any need to express your thoughts on the matter you can contact us at or fill out the form below

Your suggestions are precious to improve the quality of our services, we will respond to you within 15 days.

Form for suggestions and complaints

Fill in to make a report or send us a suggestion.

    Choose the category:

    Your data:

    I have read the privacy policy and I consent to the processing of my data



    Any dispute regarding the service provided by the individual taxi driver must be forwarded to:

    Before submitting a complaint it is very important to have memorized the “LICENSE NUMBER” of the taxi and the municipality to which it belongs.

    The License Number is located on the rear of the car. And it is the only method to uniquely recognize the car in question.